Start Your Day Right Mindfully, Yasemin Isler

Yasemin Isler

April 6, 2023


How do you typically start your day? You may have some personal answers here, but if I guess correctly, at some point you are reaching out to your cell phone or the TV remote. Maybe even before you completely open your eyes, the gadgets have found their way into your hand.

Right? ….

Now what?


So, while the sun is rising, with a fresh promise, maybe an easy or a hard day is awaiting you….


you have already triggered your brain to switch into a higher gear, before using the golden opportunity. 

What’s the golden opportunity?


Before all the cognitive processes kick in, take time to be fully present in the here and now. Be present to the body that made it possible for you to be here. Notice the sensations of the breath, going in and out. 

If you are in a hurry to use your brain, pause and take note that this non-cognitive practice will help your cognitive processes later on during the day. 

You will have more clarity. Over time, if you decide to spend even more time to rise and shine and meditate, you will keep seeing the benefits over time. 

#dailymindfulness #beingmindful #intentions #startyourdayright #consciousliving #beingmindful

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